Seven Views

Invited competition entry for 420 apartments on a riverside site on the edge of the city of Tartu.

Tartu, Estonia
Sector: Residential
Client: Baltland Grupp OU, Estonia
Project Status: Competition

Following our success in the Estonian National Museum competition, the City Planner of Tartu invited us to compete in a limited competition to develop a proposal for the re-use of redundant industrial land on a beautiful site with unique views overlooking the Emagjogi river in Tartu.

We carried out a detailed environmental analysis and created a model master plan considering aspects of views, solar ingress and daylight and ensuring the privacy of homeowners. Our concept is a series of buildings, embedded in a landscape of parks, walkways, playgrounds and waterways, overlooking the beautiful river and beyond - 'seven views' opening up between the housing blocks near the river.

The towers are made of stacked elements rotating around a core with floor space increasing the higher the building rises. 

Gianni Botsford


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Gianni Botsford Architects Ltd
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20–24 Kirby Street
London EC1N 8TS


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