Current change

Hsinchu Clubhouse

Hsinchu Clubhouse
Hsinchu, Taiwan

Hsinchu Stone Village Masterplan

Hsinchu Stone Village Masterplan
Hsinchu, Taiwan

Hsinchu Stone Village Resort Hotel

Hsinchu Stone Village Resort Hotel
Hsinchu, Taiwan

Hualien Entertainment Theatre

Hualien Entertainment Theatre
Hualien, Taiwan

Kaleido House

Kaleido House
London, UK

Pond House

Pond House
London, UK

Stone Building

Stone Building
Chengdu, China

Technology and Research Center

Technology and Research Center
Chengdu, China

Think Brick

Think Brick
Hualien, Taiwan

Villa Arcipelago

Villa Arcipelago
Sardinia, Italy

One Line Sky Chapel

One Line Sky Chapel
Hsinchu, Taiwan

Gianni Botsford


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Gianni Botsford Architects Ltd
Fourth Floor South
20–24 Kirby Street
London EC1N 8TS


T +44 (0)20 7434 2277