Kaohsiung GangShan Industrial Park

The Kaohsiung Innovation Park is part of the Kaohsiung Gangshan Industrial Park in the south of Taiwan. The proposal seeks to create flexible rentable space for industrial and research use, surrounded by gardens, courtyards and a public covered street.

Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Sector: Commercial
Client: Taiwan Land Development Corporation
Project Status: Proposal

The design is based on a concept of thin linear blades which create a clear order. The space between two blades can be of two types: the first is a composed exclusively by the studio spaces; the second has a serving function and comprises the circulation, all the services and the green courtyards. The interior of the studio unit is generously lit by natural light and naturally cross ventilated. Every studio has at least two glazed sides open to gardens and courtyards.

Gianni Botsford


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Gianni Botsford Architects Ltd
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London EC1N 8TS


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