Swabumi Heritage Hotel

Concept design for a Five Star Hotel and Cultural Centre in Kolkatta, India.

Kolkatta, India
Sector: Leisure & Sport
Client: Ganpati Parks Ltd.
Project Status: Feasibility Study
Budget: £22M


Cityscape AR Awards 2007, Runner-up

This project is a collaboration between Gianni Botsford Architects and Morphogenesis in Delhi.

Porous Morphology: the intent of this project is to create an environment that captures the cultural and intellectual intensity of Kolkatta. An organic street, naturally ventilated and self shaded, is populated with open cafes, flower shops, fruit sellers, kiosks, chaat vaalas, and musicians leading to the retail, hotel, library, art gallery and auditorium that make up the programme for this hillside site. In the client’s words this is an intellectual destination. The process of evolving the architecture from the various forces prevalent on the site results in a humanist solution- the nature of the space forces the inhabitants to think, explore and discover.

Gianni Botsford


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Gianni Botsford Architects Ltd
Fourth Floor South
20–24 Kirby Street
London EC1N 8TS


T +44 (0)20 7434 2277
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