Villa Arcipelago

A new 7 bedroom serviced Villa located on the coast of Sardinia, Italy.

Sardinia, Italy
Sector: Residential
Client: Confidential
Project Status: Current

'When I started to think about this project I was struck by the rugged nature of the site. It seemed both entirely beautiful and somehow inhospitable. It was asking for a house to be built there. It was asking to be tamed.

I wanted the project to emerge from the site, and at the same time to be from Sardinia, to be Sardinian deep within itself. I felt it needed to be heavy and cool, almost carved from the ground, but also sheltering and expansive, a landscape to experience the climate, views and nature that surround it. I wanted it to be rooted to the topography and defined by the varying levels. I wanted to experience light and dark, wet and dry throughout the house. I wanted every room to have a view to the sea and for this to be the driving link to the Sardinia beyond - the Sardinia of islands and rocks, water and wind.

I have made it feel like this as I believe architecture should come from the place it is situated in, and should feel like it has always wanted to be there. The terraces, sheltered overhanging roofs, pools and walls all contribute to a feeling of seclusion, protection and enclosure that will generate a sense of overwhelming connection to nature. To live outside, to sit in the shade, to watch the weather, to feel the water, to float in the sea, to touch the stone. This is Sardinia.

Organised as a series of islands, each space is individually and uniquely placed on the sloping landscape. To travel from one room to another is an external voyage through stepping terraces, courtyards and views to reach new destinations and activities. Heavy walls, floors and roofs balance one on top of the other following the topography of the site, creating organically organised indoor and outdoor spaces.

An arcipelago in the landscape.

Villa Arcipelago.'

Gianni Botsford July 2018

Gianni Botsford


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Gianni Botsford Architects Ltd
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London EC1N 8TS


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