Whitfield Fine Art Gallery

Gianni Botsford Architects recently completed a new gallery for Whitfield Fine Art in central London. Gallery interior fit out for specialist dealer in Old Masters.

London, UK
Sector: Cultural
Client: Whitfield Fine Art
Project Status: Completed
Budget: £100,000

The gallery specialises in Old Masters and 20thCentury British Art. The brief called for a calm backdrop for the art in a series of connected gallery spaces, as well as associated back of house facilities including painting storage and administration offices.

Two galleries were required with flexibility for hanging at different scales. A large rotating wall was installed to redefine the main gallery as required, the second more intimate gallery provided private viewing space adjacent to the gallery offices.

Gianni Botsford


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Gianni Botsford Architects Ltd
Fourth Floor South
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London EC1N 8TS


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